Membership details for fencers who wish join British Fencing under Guernsey Fencing.


Fencers who live in Guernsey or wish to and qualified to represent Guernsey should join British Fencing through Guernsey Fencing as their Home Country.


Membership Categories

  Full (over 20) £40
  Under 20 (Over 13 but Under 20) £30
  U13 £25
  Social £10


  • Personal accident (cover ceases at 75 and is limited for U16) & civil liability insurance cover
  • The Sword magazine
  • Members Over 18: Notices of general meetings;. right to vote at general meetings and right to vote in ballots for election of directors.
  • Competitions: All relevant British and International events. Subject to age restrictions and any restrictions imposed by the Organiser.

Please Note: You must be 13 or over (as defined by the age on January 1st in the season of the competition - 1st September to 31st August) to enter any event in which adults are allowed to compete. This applies to all events regardless of Organisers or category and is a BFA Safety Rule.


The membership application form can be downloaded here:

Guernsey Membership PDF



All relevant British and International events. Subject to age restrictions and any restrictions imposed by the Organiser.


Social Membership (£10)

Social membership is a membership category intended for ‘starter’ groups or fencers who only wish to fence socially within their registered club.